Parish Council


Business/Operations CommitteePastoral CouncilFinance Council
Nguyễn Ngọc-Dung Cecilia, Business Manager
Lương Nguyễn Tuấn, Business Manager Assistant
Trần Văn Xếp, Facility Manager
Phạm Anh Minh Alan, President
Trần Tế Long (Michael), Vice-President
Nguyễn thị Thu Nga, Vice-President 
Đỗ Quang Thắng Paul, Finance Chair
Nguyễn Liên, Food Service Representative

Phạm Anh Minh Alan, President
Trần Tế Long (Michael), Vice-President
Nguyễn thị Thu Nga, Vice-President 
Nguyễn Xuân Hùng
Vũ Huy Khanh
Trần Thu Thủy
Nguyễn Thịnh Timothy
Phạm Quỳnh Thái
Peter Đạt Nguyễn

Đỗ Quang Thắng Paul

Mission Statement: The mission of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Parish Pastoral Council is to work with the pastor and the parish members to nurture the spiritual growth of our welcoming and inclusive parish.


Core Values: Honesty, Respect, Trust, Commitment


Read more about Parish Pastoral Council

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Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
2121 N. Denton Drive Carrollton, Texas 75006
972-446-3461 (Office) 425-212-7144 (Mobile) 972-242-8360 (Rectory) 972-446-9551 (Fax)